Bunch Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractor in Tustin Provides A Combo One Two Punch at Inflammation

Chiropractor in Tustin Provides A Combo One Two Punch at Inflammation

Chiropractor in Tustin Provides A ComboOne Two Punch at Inflammation In this series we have covered some tips to handle inflammatory pains.  Tools like Rock Tape or T-Relief as well as RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) can be helpful, that’s for sure. Another helpful action has to do with taking some super supplements that…

RockTape for Pain Relief in Tustin

RockTape for Pain Relief in Tustin

RockTape for Pain Relief in Tustin Have you seen these athletes with weird tape on?  I think it started getting much more popular after the 2008 Olympics with the women’s volleyball team wearing tape on their shoulders. Top Tustin CA chiropractor Raymond Bunch explains how this type of tape is special.  It’s called Kinesiology Tape. …

Simple Ways to Handle Pain in Tustin

Simple Ways to Handle Pain in Tustin

Simple Ways to Handle Pain in Tustin Have you ever had an injury in Tustin?  You’re running along and start having some sharp pain in your foot, or in your knee. It lingers after you stop your workout and it’s there when you get home. Time to act! Pain motivates people to do something.  They…

Chiropractor in Tustin Interviews Pilates Instructors

Chiropractor in Tustin Interviews Pilates Instructors

Chiropractor in Tustin Interviews Pilates Instructors Trying to get and stay healthy in Tustin?  Looking into different ways to exercise? Have you heard of Pilates? Most people I’ve talked to have heard of it. But most people I’ve talked to have not tried it. It is a system of exercise that is well thought out…

The Benefits of Kombucha Tea For Residents of Tustin

The Benefits of Kombucha Tea For Residents of Tustin

The Benefits of Kombucha Tea For Residents of Tustin This if for those of you out there that have may have heard about it, but really you don’t know much about Kombucha Tea in Tustin. It has been consumed for centuries. It has a long list of health benefits. And it doesn’t taste anything like…

An Underlying Cause in Tustin to Many People’s Plantar Fasciitis and other Problems Explained

An Underlying Cause in Tustin to Many People’s Plantar Fasciitis and other Problems Explained

An Underlying Cause in Tustin to Many People’s Plantar Fasciitis and other Problems Explained One of the more difficult cases to sort out is Plantar Fasciitis pain in Tustin. For those who have not had this, it can be a pretty sharp pain under the heel of your foot.  It makes it difficult to walk,…