Chiropractor Raymond Bunch in Tustin Explains How Much Your Head Weighs
Chiropractor Raymond Bunch in Tustin Explains How Much Your Head Weighs
Your head will weigh a certain amount if you put it on a scale. Not suggesting you take it off and do that! Ha ha.
Top Tustin chiropractor explains how your neck and upper back bear its load. And that load can change, and the effective weight of your head can increase.
For most of you out there the reason your head gets heavier is due to sitting in front of a computer screen or looking down at your phone.
Here is a micro-break exercise you can do to combat the ever increasing weight of your head!
A micro-break is a quick 1 minute exercise/movement you can do after 30 minutes of sitting.
Micro-Break Exercises in Tustin
Today’s micro-break exercise is arm circles.
Do arm circles for a minute and you will feel it; blood rushing into the area, muscles working and more.
Now back to the question, how much does your head weigh?
It turns out that the more forward head posture you have, the more your head ‘weighs’.
A normal head weighs about 10-12 pounds, but if you have forward head posture of 2 inches, your head could be putting forces on your neck and upper back like a head that weighs 24 pounds!
How do you get forward head posture?
One of the most common ways is by sitting too much and not exercising.
Do you want to know how much your head weighs?
I have a special digital tool to measure the effective weight of your head on your body.
This could be the cause of your headaches or neck pain or upper back tightness.
Contact Bunc Chiropractic in Tustin and we can run that test on you and find out if you need to make some changes to lighten up your head. 😉