Tustin Chiropractor Elaborates on A Modern Day Convenience That Can Trigger Pain
Tustin Chiropractor Elaborates on A Modern Day Convenience That Can Trigger Pain
It doesn’t affect everyone the same. Some people have no complaints at all.
But you may be one of those unlucky ones that it does impact.
Imagine having a sore achy neck bothering you in the middle of your workday or having a nasty headache come on pretty regularly each afternoon.
It can really mess up your day.
And to think these pains could be triggered by this modern day convenience that most of us use.
What could it be?
There will be some that will nod their head in agreement once they see the answer from top Tustin chiropractor below.
Air Conditioning. A/C can blow cool air onto your body and cause your muscles and your nervous system to react in a negative way.
As an example, a recent patient at Bunch Chiropractic had a good amount of neck and shoulder pain that seemingly came out of nowhere. After some questioning, we determined it was the A/C that started flaring up his problem. He was using a temporary office that had the A/C vent blowing cool air directly down on him. By the later part of the day he was in pain and had no idea what caused it.
Similar stories exist with offices that keep their temperature very low, with fans blowing directly on one, or with windows left open while one sleeps at night.
For a few of you out there this will trigger the pain you are feeling.
I find that this phenomenon is way more common in the summer than in the colder months: The reason being that we are wearing lighter clothing and cool air blowing.
In the warm seasons people can also wear clothing that exposes the skin on their necks and shoulders.
Tustin Chiropractor explains how to deal with the mighty A/C?
Simple, avoid the cooler air on your neck and shoulders and you should do better.
You might have to bring a scarf or sweater to work…in the summer!
Lastly, I did say that this will ‘trigger’ pain. What I mean is that a person has an underlying problem and the cool air somehow pushes that problem to the point of expressing aches and pains.
Pay more attention to those problem areas (neck or shoulder, etc..) they are not 100% and the cool air is aggravating them. Those areas may need some TLC.
Some TLC for the neck, upper back and shoulders includes taking micro-breaks, getting a massage, using a nice warm pack and exercising the whole body outside of work.
Others in Tustin may need to improve their diet to give their muscles and soft tissues all the nutrients they need to work and relax properly.
Here is a Micro-Break exercise for you to use. A Micro-Break is a 1 minute break for every 30 minutes of sitting. It is a simple one called Chin Presses and the demo is right here.
Air Conditioning, cool air raining down on your neck and shoulders can be the sneaky trigger to your aches and pains at work or at home.
If this is happening to you try keeping your neck and shoulders warm. Also start taking some Micro-Breaks and giving those neck and shoulder muscles some well-deserved Tender Loving Care.
You may need to participate in our ‘Be Fit While You Sit’ evaluation for some professional help. Please feel free to contact us at Bunch Chiropractic in Tustin with any questions you may have. 714-751-8570